Our Programs

One of our goals was to create an organization that had a program for just about any agent. Some agents want the highest contract level and are willing to invest a lot of money each week into their business. Other agents may not be ready for this type of program yet. We hated seeing an agent that we really enjoyed working with leave us just because we didn't have a program that suited their needs. Now we have created programs to fill those gaps. Please see below on how our programs work.​

All of the programs below offer the following:​

No contract for you to sign.

All programs receive the training/tools that we offer.

Exclusive leads that do NOT get resold to another agent.

You can move from one program to another as you need

You get paid directly by the insurance carrier, which means you own your book of business.

We use the same leads for all programs.

Free leads are the same quality as the other programs.​

Our Programs

Career Program

This program was designed to help newer agents or experienced agents that are looking for consistency.

In this program we provide:

- Full Schedule Monday - Friday.

- Direct Mail Leads.

- Preset Appointments.

- Training, Support and Resources.

We are looking for FULL TIME agents that are willing put in the time and energy that it takes to be successful.

70% Contract Level with Core Carriers.

Elite Program

This program allows for an agent to maximize their Return on Investment (ROI) by leveraging high contract levels and being in control.

In this program we provide:

- Full Schedule Monday - Friday.

- Access to Direct Mail Leads.

- Access to Preset Appointments.

- Training, Support and Resources at no cost.

This program is best designed for the true INDEPENDENT agent that has experience.

120% Contract Level with Core Carriers.


This program was designed for agents that are happy where they are and they are just looking to keep building their momentum.

This program allows for you to just pick up missing carriers in your line-up with our organization.

You can continue to run your business exactly how you are running it, but now you will have a few additional carriers in your bag.

A lot of times this means having some "niche" carriers that pay out higher contract levels than your current carriers.

This is also a good program for agents that want to "feel" out our organization before joining.

Agency Owner

Do you currently have an agency or have a desire to build one? We have an entire system designed around that mindset. I personally went from being a field agent, to growing my own agency, to partnering my agency with a large Final Expense IMO and eventually selling it to a private equity firm. Now I am helping others follow the same system and path that I followed in order to experience that same financial freedom.

To explain in text what this program offers would be impossible. I will give you some bullet points and brief explanations, but if this is a program that interests you, we would need to have a conversation over the phone, through video chat or in person.

Our recruiting platform will ensure you are constantly speaking with potential agents.

An entire system to plug your new agents into to ensure you get them going quickly.

Access to capital and lines of credit to grow your business without seeing a dip in revenue.

Lead financing for your agency. Without leads, they can't produce, so we solved that for you.

Help with business tasks such as setting up your LLC, licensing your LLC, audited financials, etc.

Full acquisitions staff and attorneys on our team to help you acquire other agencies. And capital to do so.

Monthly business meetings to help you "check the health" of your agency and ensure it continues to grow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is this for Face to Face sales or Phone Sales?

A: At this time, the FREE Lead Program is only for Face to Face.

Q: Can I do this part time or on the weekends?

A: This program requires your full commitment. We spend a lot of money each week on each agent's leads and appointments. For that reason, we need this to be your primary focus. We do have other programs that will accommodate part time work.

Q: Is this a captive organization?

A: We are not captive. Our agents do not sign any contract and you get paid directly from the carrier. With that said, while on the FREE Lead Program, you cannot have other Final Expense carriers outside of our organization. This is only because we are paying a lot of money each week for your leads and appointments.

Q: I am retired and just want to work at my own pace. Does this program allow that?

A: If you are wanting to work a limited schedule, this program may not be the best fit. This is a program for someone that wants to make a very nice income, which can require working whenever needed to hit your goal.

Q: Can I start on the Free Lead Program and then move to another program later?

A: Absolutely! You are free to change to the Elite Program whenever you feel like you are ready. You can also remain on the Free Lead Program long term if you would like.

Q: Will I have to Door Knock at all?

A: Hopefully not! The first week, we usually set around 5 Appointments per day for an agent. We also add in some door knocks on your schedule in case you have a no-show or a short appointment. If you are writing business, you will not have time to run those door knocks. If you are having a tough production week, you may need to door knock some towards the end of the week to get a couple more sales out of the leads!